
Are Business Blogs Still Relevant in 2021?

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Remember 2008? Blogs were exploding on the scene, and it seemed like everyone and their brother was getting one. But a lot has changed since then. That was three presidents ago. The iPhone 3 reigned supreme. No Country for Old Men won the Oscar for best picture. Is it remotely possible that after all this time blogs are still part of a modern digital marketing strategy? 

In a word, yes! In fact, after building a website, your blog should be the cornerstone of your online marketing plan. As a part of your central hub that continues to grow and change organically with your business, a blog is something all of your other marketing tactics can point to and bring in customers while streamlining your onboarding.

Blogging for the Customer Journey

One thing that will never go away is the thinking process customers need leading up to purchase and our relationship to them afterward. On average, consumers will read 3-5 pages of information before moving to the next stage. Here’s what they’re looking for:  

Awareness — Before a prospective client can purchase a product, first they have to know it exists. Blogging at this phase in the customer journey is all about targeted SEO keywords and a consistent publishing schedule. This is where many of the how-to blogs you read come from because those are the kinds of answers we’re all searching for. 

Consideration – This is the key phase that carries customers to conversion. As such, it’s also the most effective use of blogging. In this phase, customers are researching your advantages and disadvantages as well as your brand’s values, and they are particularly motivated by timely special promotions.

Purchase – Blogging for purchase is all about showing off the special features of your products and what sets you apart. But a powerful, sometimes neglected technique is a blog about what to do when things go wrong using your products and services. It’s another great way to show the depth of your knowledge, but most of all it makes prospective clients feel safe relying upon your good customer service. 

Retention – It takes 6x as much effort to bring in a new customer than to keep an old one, so you want to find ways to keep them coming back after an initial purchase. One great way is by documenting process and product improvements on your blog. Let them know how you are doing better than ever! 

Advocacy – One of the best things you can do for your business is cultivate a small group of customers that will sing your praises from the hilltops. Blogging with your brand identity, mission and values in mind helps others feel good about working with you and promoting your business. 

Blogging for each of these steps along your customer’s experience will save time and energy for your sales team and improve retention and recommendations.

Strategic Blogging for Long-Term Relevancy 

Your business blog should be more than a collection of words posted once a week. Yes, it is likely that you have fans who are checking in to see how your business is doing on a regular basis, but the best way to keep your blog relevant is by helping prospective clients with things they area already thinking about. 

SEO Strategy – Your industry, trends, and customer insights are changing every year. Your SEO keywords should be changing to match. At least once each year, your target keywords should be reviewed and either expanded or replace old language to ensure today’s customers are being served.  

Service-Based Blogging – All businesses are refining their systems and expanding their services. These are great things to blog about to bring in new customers or upsell existing users by improving visibility.  

Aid in Onboarding – Do you get the same questions over and over from prospective clients during onboarding? Blogging gives you the ability to answer those questions in advance. Even if they do ask, your team will have a quick answer to copy and paste rather than taking the time to write it out over and over again.  

Audience Expansion – Consistent upload schedules keep your website at the top of search engine results, and the fresh content creates more opportunities to bring in new customers by nature of rewording the same phrases over and over again for new search combinations.

Blogs are the primary outreach tool that still lives on your digital marketing hub – your website. As one tool in your digital marketing strategy, your blog can do a lot, and it provides a places for prospective clients to land while browsing your social media, email marketing, search engines, and marketing automations. In 2021, content is still king. Make sure you’re staying on top with a comprehensive blogging strategy that falls in line with your brand.