Before interning at Boldthink, I spent months applying to numerous internships. It was a challenging experience, and I received numerous rejections before landing my internship.
To help you navigate through this experience, here are some tips I have found that helped with my internship search.
- Don’t wait to make your portfolio.
- I understand that making a portfolio is hard. You spent weeks on a project, now you have to present it in a clean and well-designed way. A bit of advice I wish I had heard when making my portfolio is that it doesn’t have to be perfect. At the end of the day, the employer knows that you are a college student who is still learning. The most important part of your portfolio is to show your process and to tell a story to the viewer.
- Showcase projects you are proud of, not projects you think people would like.
- There are so many portfolio examples online, and most of them showcase the same projects. A way to stand out is to showcase projects that show your personality and style! Plus, if an interview happens, it is so much easier to speak about a project you are passionate about more than a project you had made for school.
- Picture your interview as a first date.
- I always get nervous when it comes to job interviews. Something that helped me through the process was switching perspectives. I had always gone to interviews with the mindset that I should change myself to fit their needs, which from the interviewer’s perspective can be disingenuous and boring. Having a mindset that you are looking for a company that is fit for you will make you more confident! After all, there is only one you, and numerous companies. There are plenty of fish in the sea!
I hope my story and advice will be helpful to you! My experience so far has been full of growth and positivity. If you are looking for an internship or a current intern, I hope my letter has been inspirational and provided a positive outlook on the internship experience.